Pi coin - first phone mining coin.

Waa maxay PI NETWORK?

Pi is the first mobile phone mining coin with huge users and nodes. Let’s go along with Pi coin’s success.

Intaan aad u daahin,
Orod Pi hadda

Qof kastaa wuxuu haystaa mobilka. Wax walba waxay ku socdaan mobilada xitaa macdanta crypto.

Macdanta Pi ee mobilada waa iftiin tamar, bilaash ah oo aad u fudud.
So, many people left out of the cryptocurrency era will be Pi users. It’s your turn and chance.

Join in Pi first
Wax ka baro ka dib

Already over 45M people worldwide are participating in Pi network. Start mining as soon as possible. The mining rate continues to decrease than last month.

* PI™, PI NETWORK™, is a trademark of PI Community Company.
*This is a fan site for PI NETWORK. Please refer to the official website for full and new information. >> https://minepi.com

Macdanta telefoonka gacanta

Pi network - first phone mining coin.

Guud ahaan, macdanta crypto waxay isticmaashaa tamar badan iyo ilo xisaabeed. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, shabakadda Pi waa deegaan-saaxiibtinimo oo fudud. Habka shabakada Pi sida macdanta telefoonka gacanta ayaa noqon doonta mid caadi ah ka dib bitcoin.

Sida loo maamulo Pi

It’s simple. Install Pi app and tab mining button once a day. And then, Pi will be filled up over time.

Koodhka martiqaadka qadaadiic
