Kumaha carana masang Aplikasi jaringan Pi

Are you looking for a way to install Pi App? Here is a simple answer and key tips.

1. Unduh aplikasi resmi

2. Terus, Neruskeun urutan

how to install Pi network App
how to install Pi network App
how to install Pi network App

Taya katerangan diperlukeun. Gantina, katerangan tambahan ngajadikeun eta leuwih pajeulit. Sarerea bisa ngalakukeun hal eta gampang.

3. Tips for creating Pi account

  • Ngaran : You must write down your real name based on Passport or Official ID.
  • Ngaran pamaké : A long, difficult username is bad for growing your team. An easy-to-spelling username will help you attract more team members. “j4800”, “park996” are good examples .
  • Kodeu ondangan : You can get some bonus Pi every day due to a sincere inviter. I’m eager for Pi network success. So, use my Invitation Code for Pi. – “zippohup99”
  • Verifikasi akun : After login, verify your phone number or Facebook in profile section. Verifikasi penting pikeun cageur akun Pi anjeun tina masalah telepon. Upami mungkin, pariksa duanana sadayana.
  • Account deletion and re-subscription : You don’t have to wait 14days for full account deletion. First, mine Pi with a new username and verify your account later.
  • pitulung langkung?: Pindah ka [ FAQ Mods ] dina chatroom aplikasi sanggeus login.