Tsarin ma'adinan Pi coin

** TBD = a tantance.
Wannan shine tsarin ƙimar ma'adinai na Pi coin. Bincika Mainnet, Raba ƙimar ma'adinai, haɓaka memba, yuwuwar dakatar da sabon memba da ƙarshen hakar ma'adinai.
Dangane da ainihin ƙungiyar, shirin da ke sama zai iya canzawa. Koyaya, Mainnet an tsara shi kafin ƙarshen 2021. Bugu da ƙari, ƙimar ma'adinai na iya raguwa ko faɗuwa zuwa sifili a Mainnet kuma lokacin da Pi ya kai masu amfani da 100M.
The number of users of a blockchain project is an important factor in its success. I believe that Pi coin mining will go on for quite a long time.
Ƙarin Pi nawa idan zai yiwu.
Or network is real
I like pi network
When will mainnet ended.?
I like that coin:it has a future considering the changes happened in few days
Pi is a good app
Pi network is real
You have a good plan, but it is too difficult to understand.(courage)
Onde posso olhar a cotação de valor do PI?
Pi will have a value after Mainnet and listing on cryptocurrycy exchanges. Pi has no cash value, yet.
love u pi network
I love this apk I am a member of pi network
very good
When will pi coin have it’s value? Is there any hope for us to wait or should we quite
I am waiting mainnet, listing on crypto exchange market, usage instead of cash. Life may turn wherever. Don’t worry about failure. we have spent just little time to get pi coin.
I like pi coin
I like pi coin
When will pi coin have it’s value
After mainnet, we can give and take pi coin. At that time, pi coin will have a value(price). Many pi users with a shop plan to accept pi coin instead of cash.