Plan stope rudarenja pi kovanica

**TBD = utvrditi.
Ovo je plan stope rudarenja Pi kovanice. Provjerite Mainnet, prepolovljenje stope rudarenja, povećanje članova, mogućnost zaustavljanja novog člana i završetak rudarenja.
Prema glavnom timu, gornji plan se može promijeniti. Međutim, Mainnet je zakazan prije kraja 2021. Osim toga, stopa rudarenja može se prepoloviti ili pasti na nulu na Mainnetu i kada Pi dostigne 100 miliona korisnika.
The number of users of a blockchain project is an important factor in its success. I believe that Pi coin mining will go on for quite a long time.
Više mog Pi kada je moguće.
Or network is real
I like pi network
When will mainnet ended.?
I like that coin:it has a future considering the changes happened in few days
Pi is a good app
Pi network is real
You have a good plan, but it is too difficult to understand.(courage)
Onde posso olhar a cotação de valor do PI?
Pi will have a value after Mainnet and listing on cryptocurrycy exchanges. Pi has no cash value, yet.
love u pi network
I love this apk I am a member of pi network
very good
When will pi coin have it’s value? Is there any hope for us to wait or should we quite
I am waiting mainnet, listing on crypto exchange market, usage instead of cash. Life may turn wherever. Don’t worry about failure. we have spent just little time to get pi coin.
I like pi coin
I like pi coin
When will pi coin have it’s value
After mainnet, we can give and take pi coin. At that time, pi coin will have a value(price). Many pi users with a shop plan to accept pi coin instead of cash.