Pi 硬币供应 – 剩余大量可开采的 Pi

Pi 币供应和分配。

正如你所看到的,仍然有很多可开采的 Pi 币。 在挖矿率下降之前努力挖矿!

Pi coin supply and distribution diagram
  1. Pi币总供应量为1000亿个Pi。
  2. 普通 Pi 用户获得 650 亿个 Pi。
  3. 2021年12月主网上线前,Pi核心团队宣布挖出300亿个Pi,并将有10-200亿个Pi通过KYC。
  4. 主网挖矿奖励为450亿。 将按照年度供应计划进行分配。 每年的供应限额会有下降的曲线图。
  5. 年递减公式和挖矿周期将在开放主网固定。
  6. 现在基础挖矿费率每月调整一次。
The supply of Pi coin decreases every month.

10 条评论

  1. Nice app and pls, I want to ask some questions n my questions goes like this is it everybody that will get his kyc or they are just selecting some individuals to to send it to them.

    1. Now, you can get KYC when invited by pi sever at clicking of mining button. Most of Pi users didn’t get the chance of KYC. Core team said that they are working to make mass KYC.

  2. Hi,
    Please, am new in this platform, can you please let me know how it works and when will it be launched


  3. Pi is a great app. But I’ve mined over 200pie . But I haven’t confirmed for KYC. It’s still pending. And it is the last check list of mainet. I hope to be selected

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