Wutah pangguna PI

pi user growth

Pira wong sing melu jaringan PI?

Ing Tim Mineral 2022, Pi inti ngumumake manawa wis tekan 33 yuta pangguna Pi.

Ing Nov. 2021, Tim inti ngumumake manawa wis tekan 29 yuta Pi pangguna.

Ing Tim Timá 2021, Pi inti ngumumake yen wis tekan 25 yuta pangguna.

pi user growth
Pi Wutah Pangguna

Miturut grafik, kita bisa ndeleng manawa bakal tekan udakara 50m ing pungkasan taun 2022.

Nanging, yen Coin duwe rega sawise mainnet, pangguna Pi bakal tuwuh kanthi vertikal. Dadi bakal dadi 100m ing pungkasan taun 2022. Digawe lan potensial jaringan PI bakal bisa.

11 Komentar

  1. Please Is pi network real?
    Because people in my community always said, we should go and think again. That it’s impossible.
    To the extent we have to hide before torching the light button.

    1. It takes several months to complete KYC for all Pi users. Let’s wait more, while mining and getting more referral team.

  2. Pi va révolutionner le monde.
    Avec pi, tout ira pour le mieux.

    1. I don’t know the exact time, but I’m only expecting it before autumn. After KYC and Pi value Migration, we can use Pi coin.

    1. Mainnet will be launched soon, after which you can trade pi coin with each pi user. Since there are many Pi users, someone will sell goods with Pi coin.

    1. I don’t know the exact time like you, but after the mainnet of Pi network, everything about listing on crypto market, user growth and value increase may go fast. Mainnet will be launched by the end 2021.

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