Kaip gauti daugiau Pi monetos

Let’s learn how to mine Pi coin.

  1. Laiku spustelėkite kasybos mygtuką. Mining session renews every 24 hours.
  2. Užpildykite saugos ratą with about 10 members who will surely pass KYC. You can make security circle in 4 earning session from first mining. Pi users in your phone Contacts or your earning team can be the circle member.
    Nežinoma, ar nepilnamečiai eina per KYC. Taigi, verčiau nepridėkite savo vaikų į apsaugos ratą.
  3. Padarykite savo uždirbančią komandą didele. This is the key to earn many Pi coin. There is no limit on the earning team number and the rewards are quite large. Earning team rewards invited with your invitation code is all yours. It does not concern your inviter. Your inviter becomes your first earning team member.
    Invite your friends, family and acquaintances and use a web tool such as blog, YouTube or internet community to build your earning team.
    An easy-to-spelling username is a base to grow your team. See this post.
  4. Konfigūruokite blokavimo greitį. Tab 3bars of Pi app’s upper main screen – tab Mainnet – Configure lockup rate. You can get large bonus rewards according to lockup amount and period. From experience, I recommend 100% and 3 years lockup.
  5. Komunalinių paslaugų naudojimo premija.Jūsų veiklą „Pi“ naršyklėje stebi „Pi“ serveris, todėl galite gauti atlygį. Atlygio dydis nustatomas pagal programų skaičių ir tinkamą naudojimo laiką „Pi“ naršyklėje.
  6. Paleiskitemazgas. Pi Node installation is super simple than other crypto nodes. You can run Pi Node with a desktop computer of Windows or Mac. Node bonus is quite big. Check this official link (https://minepi.com/pi-blockchain/pi-node/)
  7. Set up onchain lockup. After mainnet checklist No.9(migration to mainnet) is completed, you can make secondary lockup in Pi wallet. This bonus is very big, so buy more Pi coin and make a full lockup as possible.