Ieu mangrupikeun situs kipas tina PI NETWORK.
Anjeun tiasa mendakan kertas bodas Pi asli dinaLoka Resmi.
PI™, PI NETWORK™,™mangrupakeun mérek dagang ti PI Komunitas Company.
Nalika dunya beuki digital, cryptocurrency mangrupikeun léngkah alami salajengna dina évolusi artos. Pi mangrupikeun mata uang digital anu munggaran pikeun jalma sapopoe, ngalambangkeun léngkah utama dina nyoko cryptocurrency di sakuliah dunya.
Misi kami: Ngawangun cryptocurrency sareng platform kontrak pinter anu diamankeun sareng dioperasikeun ku jalma sapopoe.
Visi Urang: Ngawangun pasar peer-to-peer anu paling inklusif di dunya, didorong ku Pi, mata uang kripto anu paling seueur dianggo di dunya
DISCLAIMER pikeun pamiarsa anu langkung maju: Kusabab misi Pi nyaéta janten inklusif sabisa, kami bakal nyandak kasempetan ieu pikeun ngenalkeun pemula blockchain kami ka liang kelenci 🙂
bubuka: Naha cryptocurrencies penting
Ayeuna, transaksi kauangan sapopoé urang ngandelkeun pihak katilu anu dipercaya pikeun ngajaga rékaman transaksi. Salaku conto, nalika anjeun ngalakukeun transaksi bank, sistem perbankan nyimpen catetan & ngajamin yén transaksi éta aman & dipercaya. Kitu ogé, nalika Cindy mindahkeun $5 ka Steve maké PayPal, PayPal ngajaga rékaman sentral $5 dollar debited ti akun Cindy sarta $5 credited ka Steve urang. Perantara sapertos bank, PayPal, sareng anggota sanés tina sistem ékonomi ayeuna maénkeun peran penting dina ngatur transaksi kauangan dunya.
Nanging, peran perantara anu dipercaya ieu ogé ngagaduhan watesan:
- Newak nilai teu adil. Perantara ieu ngumpulkeun milyaran dolar dina nyiptakeun kabeungharan (kapitalisasi pasar PayPal nyaéta ~ $130B), tapi ampir teu aya nanaon ka aranjeunna.konsumén- jalma sapopoé dina taneuh, anu duit drive saimbang bermakna ékonomi global. Beuki loba jalma nu ragrag ka tukang.
- Waragad. Bank jeung pausahaan ngecas waragad badag pikeun facilitating transaksi. Waragad ieu sering mangaruhan sacara teu saimbang kana populasi berpendapatan rendah anu gaduh alternatif pangsaeutikna.
- Sénsorship. Lamun perantara dipercaya tinangtu mutuskeun yén anjeun teu kudu bisa mindahkeun duit Anjeun, eta bisa nempatkeun larangan dina gerakan duit Anjeun.
- Diijinkeun. Perantara anu dipercaya janten gatekeeper anu sawenang-wenang tiasa nyegah saha waé janten bagian tina jaringan.
- pseudonim. Dina hiji waktu nalika masalah privasi ieu gaining urgency gede, gatekeepers kuat ieu ngahaja bisa nyingkab - atawa maksa anjeun nyingkab - informasi finansial leuwih ngeunaan diri ti anjeun bisa hayang.
"Sistem tunai éléktronik peer-to-peer" Bitcoin diluncurkeun dina 2009 ku programer anonim (atanapi grup) Satoshi Nakamoto, mangrupikeun momen DAS pikeun kabébasan artos. Pikeun kahiji kalina dina sajarah, jalma bisa aman tukeur nilai, tanpa merlukeun pihak katilu atawa perantara dipercaya. Mayar di Bitcoin dimaksudkan yén jalma kawas Steve jeung Cindy bisa mayar silih langsung, bypassing waragad institusional, obstructions na intrusions. Bitcoin sabenerna mangrupa mata uang tanpa wates, powering tur nyambungkeun ékonomi global anyar.
Bubuka pikeun Ledger disebarkeun
Bitcoin ngahontal prestasi sajarah ieu ku ngagunakeuna disebarkeunrékaman. Bari sistem finansial ayeuna ngandelkeun catetan sentral tradisional bebeneran, catetan Bitcoin dijaga ku komunitas disebarkeun "validators," anu ngakses jeung ngamutahirkeun ledger publik ieu. Bayangkeun protokol Bitcoin salaku "Google Sheet" anu dibagi sacara global anu ngandung rékaman transaksi, disahkeun sareng dijaga ku komunitas anu disebarkeun ieu.
Terobosan Bitcoin (sareng téknologi blockchain umum) nyaéta, sanaos catetan éta dijaga ku komunitas, téknologi ngamungkinkeun aranjeunna pikeun salawasna ngahontal konsensus dina transaksi anu jujur, mastikeun yén cheaters henteu tiasa ngarékam transaksi palsu atanapi nyusul sistem. Kamajuan téhnologis ieu ngamungkinkeun pikeun ngaleungitkeun perantara terpusat, tanpa kompromi kaamanan finansial transactional.
Mangpaat ledger disebarkeun
Salian desentralisasi, bitcoin, atawa cryptocurrencies sacara umum, bagikeun sababaraha sipat nice nu nyieun duit smarter tur aman, sanajan cryptocurrencies béda bisa jadi kuat dina sababaraha sipat sarta lemah di batur, dumasar kana palaksanaan béda tina protokol maranéhanana. Cryptocurrencies diayakeun dina dompét kriptografi anu diidentipikasi ku alamat anu tiasa diaksés ku masarakat, sareng diamankeun ku kecap akses pribadi anu kuat pisan, anu disebut konci pribadi. Konci swasta ieu sacara kriptografis nandatanganan transaksi sareng ampir teu mungkin pikeun nyiptakeun tanda tangan palsu. Ieu nyadiakeunkaamananjeungunseizability. Beda sareng rekening bank tradisional anu tiasa dicekel ku otoritas pamaréntahan, cryptocurrency dina dompét anjeun moal pernah tiasa dicandak ku saha waé tanpa konci pribadi anjeun. Cryptocurrencies nyaétacensorship tahankusabab sifat desentralisasi sabab saha waé tiasa ngalebetkeun transaksi ka komputer mana waé dina jaringan pikeun dirékam sareng disahkeun. Transaksi Cryptocurrency nyaétateu bisa dirobahsabab unggal blok transaksi ngagambarkeun bukti cryptographic (hash a) sadaya blok saméméhna anu aya saméméh éta. Sakali aya anu ngirimkeun artos ka anjeun, aranjeunna moal tiasa maok deui pamayaranna ka anjeun (nyaéta, henteu aya cek bouncing dina blockchain). Sababaraha cryptocurrencies malah tiasa ngadukungtransaksi atom."Kontrak Smart" diwangun di luhur cryptocurrencies ieu teu ngan ngandelkeun hukum pikeun penegak, tapi langsung enforced ngaliwatan kode diaudit publik, nu ngajadikeun etateu amanahsarta berpotensi bisa nyingkirkeun middlemen dina loba usaha, misalna Escrow pikeun real estate.
Ngamankeun buku besar anu disebarkeun (Pertambangan)
Salah sahiji tantangan pikeun ngajaga rékaman transaksi anu disebarkeun nyaéta kaamanan - khususna, kumaha carana gaduh buku kabuka sareng tiasa diédit bari nyegah kagiatan panipuan. Pikeun alamat tantangan ieu, Bitcoin ngawanohkeun prosés novél disebut Pertambangan (ngagunakeun algoritma konsensus "Bukti Gawé") pikeun nangtukeun saha "dipercanten" nyieun apdet kana catetan dibagikeun transaksi.
Anjeun tiasa mikir pertambangan salaku jenis kaulinan ékonomi nu maksakeun "Validators" ngabuktikeun istighfar maranéhna nalika nyobian pikeun nambahkeun transaksi ka catetan. Pikeun cocog, Validator kudu ngajawab runtuyan puzzles komputasi kompléks. Validator anu ngabéréskeun teka-teki munggaran diganjar ku diidinan masangkeun blok transaksi panganyarna. Masangkeun blok transaksi panganyarna ngamungkinkeun Validator "tambang" Hadiah Blok - ayeuna 12,5 bitcoin (atanapi ~ $ 40,000 dina waktos nyerat).
prosés ieu pisan aman, tapi tungtutan kakuatan komputasi gede pisan jeung konsumsi énergi salaku pamaké dasarna "ngaduruk duit" pikeun ngajawab teka komputasi nu earns aranjeunna langkung Bitcoin. Babandingan ngabeuleum-to-ganjaran téh jadi punitive yén éta téh salawasna dina kapentingan diri Validators pikeun masangkeun transaksi jujur ka catetan Bitcoin.
Masalah: Sentralisasi kakuatan jeung duit nempatkeun 1st Generation Cryptocurrencies kaluar jangkauan
Dina poé mimiti Bitcoin, nalika ngan sababaraha urang anu digawé pikeun sangkan méré konfirmasi transaksi sarta pertambangan blok munggaran, saha bisa earn 50 BTC ku saukur ngajalankeun software pertambangan Bitcoin dina komputer pribadi maranéhanana. Salaku mata uang mimiti mangtaun popularitasnya, panambang palinter sadar yén maranéhna bisa earn leuwih lamun maranéhna boga leuwih ti hiji komputer gawe tambang.
Salaku Bitcoin terus ningkat dina nilai, sakabéh pausahaan mimiti cinyusu nepi ka milik. Pausahaan ieu ngembangkeun chip husus ("ASICs") sarta diwangun peternakan badag tina server ngagunakeun chip ASIC ieu pikeun tambang Bitcoin. Mecenghulna ieu korporasi pertambangan gede pisan, dipikawanoh drove nu Bitcoin Emas Rush, sahingga hésé pisan pikeun jalma sapopoé pikeun nyumbang kana jaringan jeung meunang diganjar. Usahana ogé mimiti ngonsumsi énergi komputasi anu langkung ageung, nyumbang kana ningkatna masalah lingkungan di sakumna dunya.
The betah pertambangan Bitcoin jeung naékna saterusna tina Bitcoin pertambangan peternakan gancang ngahasilkeun sentralisasi masif kakuatan produksi jeung kabeungharan dina jaringan Bitcoin urang. Pikeun masihan sababaraha kontéks, 87% sadaya Bitcoin ayeuna dipiboga ku 1% tina jaringanna, seueur koin ieu ditambang ampir gratis dina dinten awal. Salaku conto sejen, Bitmain, salah sahiji operasi pertambangan pangbadagna Bitcoin urang geus earnedmilyaran dina panghasilan jeung kauntungan.
Sentralisasi kakuatan dina jaringan Bitcoin ngajadikeun hésé pisan sareng mahal pikeun jalma rata-rata. Upami anjeun hoyong kéngingkeun Bitcoin, pilihan panggampangna anjeun nyaéta:
- Tambang sorangan. Ngan nyambungkeun hardware khusus (ieua rig on Amazon, upami anjeun resep!) sareng angkat ka kota. Ngan terang yén saprak anjeun bakal bersaing ngalawan peternakan server masif ti sakuliah dunya, consuming salaku loba énergi salaku nagara Swiss, anjeun moal bisa tambang loba.
- Beuli Bitcoin dina bursa. Dinten ayeuna, anjeun tiasa ngagaleuh Bitcoin dina harga unit $3,500 / koin dina waktos nyerat (catetan: anjeun tiasa ngagaleuh jumlah fraksional Bitcoin!) Tangtosna, anjeun ogé bakal nyandak résiko anu ageung dina ngalakukeunana sapertos harga Bitcoin. rada volatile.
Bitcoin mangrupikeun anu munggaran nunjukkeun kumaha cryptocurrency tiasa ngaganggu modél kauangan ayeuna, masihan jalma kamampuan pikeun ngalakukeun transaksi tanpa gaduh pihak katilu. Paningkatan kabébasan, kalenturan, sareng privasi teras-terasan ngajalankeun jalan anu teu bisa dihindari nuju mata uang digital salaku norma anyar. Sanajan mangpaatna, konsentrasi Bitcoin (sigana teu dihaja) duit jeung kakuatan nampilkeun panghalang bermakna pikeun nyoko mainstream. Salaku tim inti Pi urang geus dipigawé panalungtikan pikeun nyobaan ngartos naha jalma horéam asup kana spasi cryptocurrency. Jalma konsistén dicutat résiko investasi / pertambangan salaku panghalang konci pikeun asupna.
Solusi: Pi - Aktipkeun pertambangan dina telepon sélulér
Saatos ngaidentipikasi halangan-halangan konci ieu pikeun nyoko, Tim Pi Core netepkeun pikeun milari cara anu bakal ngamungkinkeun jalma-jalma sapopoe pikeun tambang (atanapi kéngingkeun ganjaran cryptocurrency pikeun validasi transaksi dina catetan transaksi anu disebarkeun). Salaku refresher a, salah sahiji tantangan utama anu timbul kalayan ngajaga rékaman disebarkeun transaksi nyaéta mastikeun yén apdet pikeun catetan kabuka ieu teu curang. Bari prosés Bitcoin pikeun ngamutahirkeun catetan na geus kabuktian (ngaduruk énergi / duit ngabuktikeun trustworthiness), teu pisan pamaké (atawa planet!) friendly. Pikeun Pi, kami ngenalkeun sarat desain tambahan pikeun ngagunakeun algoritma konsensus anu ogé bakal pisan ramah-pamaké sareng idéal ngaktifkeun pertambangan dina komputer pribadi sareng telepon sélulér.
Dina ngabandingkeun algoritma konsensus aya (prosés nu ngarekam transaksi kana ledger disebarkeun), Protokol Konsensus Stellar muncul salaku calon ngarah pikeun ngaktipkeun ramah-pamaké, mobile-mimiti pertambangan.Protokol Konsensus Stellar(SCP) ieu arsiték ku David Mazières profesor Élmu Komputer di Stanford anu ogé boga fungsi minangka Kapala Élmuwan diYayasan Pangembangan Stellar. SCP ngagunakeun mékanisme novél disebut Federated Byzantine Agreements pikeun mastikeun yén apdet kana ledger disebarkeun akurat tur dipercaya. SCP ogé deployed dina praktekna ngaliwatan blockchain Stellar nu geus operasi saprak2015.
A bubuka saderhana pikeun algoritma konsensus
Sateuacan ngaluncat kana ngenalkeun algoritma konsensus Pi, éta ngabantuan gaduh katerangan saderhana ngeunaan naon anu dilakukeun ku algoritma konsensus pikeun blockchain sareng jinis algoritma konsensus anu umum dianggo dina protokol blockchain ayeuna, sapertos Bitcoin sareng SCP. bagian ieu eksplisit ditulis dina ragam oversimplified demi kajelasan, sarta teu lengkep. Pikeun akurasi luhur, tingali bagianAdaptasi kana SCPhandap sarta baca kertas protokol konsensus stellar.
A blockchain mangrupakeun sistem disebarkeun toleran lepat anu boga tujuan pikeun sakabéhna mesen daptar blok transaksi. Sistem distribusi toleran-lepat mangrupikeun daérah élmu komputer anu parantos ditaliti mangtaun-taun. Éta disebut sistem disebarkeun sabab teu boga server terpusat tapi aranjeunna diwangun ku daptar desentralisasi komputer (disebuttitik-titikatawasasama) nu kudu datang ka konsensus ngeunaan naon eusi jeung total susunan blok. Éta ogé disebut fault-tolerant sabab tiasa toléran sababaraha titik lepat kana sistem (contona dugi ka 33% titik tiasa lepat sareng sistem umumna tiasa beroperasi sacara normal).
Aya dua kategori lega tina algoritma konsensus: Anu milih titik salaku pamimpin anu ngahasilkeun blok salajengna, sareng anu henteu aya pamimpin anu eksplisit tapi sadaya titik dugi ka konsensus ngeunaan naon blok salajengna saatos tukeur sora ku ngirim pesen komputer ka silih. (Tegesna diomongkeun kalimah panungtungan ngandung sababaraha akurat, tapi mantuan kami ngajelaskeun stroke lega.)
Bitcoin ngagunakeun tipe mimiti algoritma konsensus: Sadaya titik bitcoin bersaing ngalawan silih dina ngarengsekeun hiji teka cryptographic. Kusabab leyuran kapanggih acak, dasarna titik nu manggihan solusi munggaran, ku kasempetan, kapilih pamingpin babak anu ngahasilkeun blok salajengna. Algoritma ieu disebut "Bukti karya" sareng nyababkeun seueur pamakean énérgi.
A bubuka saderhana pikeun Stellar Consensus Protocol
Pi ngagunakeun tipe séjén algoritma konsensus sarta dumasar kana Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) jeung algoritma nu disebut Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA). Algoritma sapertos henteu gaduh runtah énergi tapi aranjeunna peryogi tukeur seueur seratan jaringan supados titik-titik dugi ka "konsensus" ngeunaan naon blok salajengna. Unggal titik tiasa sacara mandiri nangtoskeun naha transaksi sah atanapi henteu, sapertos wewenang pikeun transisi sareng belanja ganda, dumasar kana tanda tangan kriptografi sareng riwayat transaksi. Sanajan kitu, pikeun jaringan komputer satuju kana nu transaksi pikeun ngarekam dina blok jeung urutan tina transaksi ieu sarta blok, aranjeunna kedah pesen silih tur mibanda sababaraha rounds voting datang ka konsensus. Sacara intuitif, pesen sapertos tina komputer anu béda dina jaringan ngeunaan blok mana anu salajengna bakal katingali sapertos kieu: "Kuringngusulkeunurang sadayana milih blok A janten salajengna "; "ABDIsorapikeun blok A janten blok salajengna"; "ABDImastikeunyén seuseueurna titik anu kuring percanten ogé milih blok A", dimana algoritma konsensus ngamungkinkeun titik ieu nyimpulkeun yén "A nyaéta blok salajengna; sareng teu aya blok lian ti A salaku blok salajengna"; Sanaos léngkah-léngkah voting di luhur sigana pisan, internét cekap gancang sareng pesen-pesen ieu hampang, ku kituna algoritma konsensus sapertos langkung hampang tibatan bukti gawé Bitcoin. Hiji wawakil utama algoritma sapertos disebut Bizantium Fault Tolerance (BFT). Sababaraha blockchains luhur ayeuna dumasar kana varian BFT, sapertos NEO sareng Ripple.
Hiji kritik utama BFT téh nya éta boga titik sentralisasi: sabab voting aub, susunan titik ilubiung dina voting "quorum" ditangtukeun centrally ku panyipta sistem dina awal na. Kontribusi FBA éta, tinimbang ngabogaan hiji kuorum ditangtukeun centrally, unggal titik susunan sorangan "potongan kuorum", anu dina gilirannana bakal ngabentuk quorums béda. Titik anyar tiasa gabung dina jaringan ku cara anu desentralisasi: aranjeunna nyatakeun titik anu aranjeunna percanten sareng ngayakinkeun titik sanés pikeun percanten ka aranjeunna, tapi aranjeunna henteu kedah ngayakinkeun otoritas pusat.
SCP mangrupikeun instansi FBA. Gantina ngaduruk énergi sapertos dina algoritma konsensus bukti Bitcoin, titik SCP ngamankeun catetan anu dibagikeun ku ngajamin titik-titik sanés dina jaringan salaku dipercaya. Unggal titik dina jaringan ngawangun potongan kuorum, diwangun ku titik-titik sanés dina jaringan anu aranjeunna anggap tiasa dipercaya. Quorums kabentuk dumasar kana keureut kuorum anggotana, sarta validator hiji ngan bakal nampa transaksi anyar lamun jeung ngan lamun proporsi titik dina quorums maranéhna ogé bakal nampa transaksi. Salaku validators sakuliah jaringan ngawangun quorums maranéhanana, quorums ieu mantuan titik pikeun ngahontal konsensus ngeunaan transaksi kalawan jaminan on kaamanan. Anjeun tiasa diajar langkung seueur ngeunaan Protokol Konsensus Stellar ku pariksa ieukasimpulan teknis ngeunaan SCP.
Adaptasi Pi kana Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP)
Algoritma konsensus Pi ngawangun luhureun SCP. SCP parantos dibuktikeun sacara resmi [Mazieres 2015] sarta ayeuna dilaksanakeun dina Network Stellar. Teu kawas Stellar Network lolobana diwangun ku pausahaan jeung lembaga (misalna IBM) salaku titik, Pi intends pikeun ngidinan alat individu pikeun nyumbang kana tingkat protokol jeung meunang ganjaran, kaasup handphone, laptop jeung komputer. Di handap ieu mangrupa bubuka ngeunaan kumaha Pi nerapkeun SCP pikeun ngaktipkeun pertambangan ku individu.
Aya opat peran pamaké Pi bisa maénkeun, salaku panambang Pi. Nyaéta:
- Panaratas. Pamaké aplikasi mobile Pi anu ngan saukur mastikeun yén aranjeunna henteu "robot" unggal dinten. Pamaké ieu ngesahkeun ayana unggal waktos aranjeunna asup kana aplikasi. Éta ogé bisa muka aplikasi pikeun ménta transaksi (misalna mayar di Pi ka Pioneer sejen)
- Kontributor. Pamaké aplikasi seluler Pi anu nyumbang ku nyayogikeun daptar panaratas anu anjeunna kenal sareng percanten. Dina agrégat, kontributor Pi bakal ngawangun grafik trust global.
- Duta. Pamaké aplikasi sélulér Pi anu ngenalkeun pamaké séjén kana jaringan Pi.
- Node. Pamaké anu pelopor, kontributor nganggo aplikasi mobile Pi, sareng ogé ngajalankeun parangkat lunak Pi node dina desktop atanapi komputer laptopna. Parangkat lunak Pi node nyaéta parangkat lunak anu ngajalankeun algoritma SCP inti, kalayan merhatikeun inpormasi grafik amanah anu disayogikeun ku Kontributor.
Pamaké tiasa maénkeun langkung ti hiji peran di luhur. Sadaya peran dipikabutuh, ku kituna sadaya peran diganjar ku Pi anu nembe dicetak unggal dinten salami aranjeunna milu sareng nyumbang dina dinten anu ditangtukeun. Dina harti leupas tina "panambang" keur pamaké anu narima mata uang karek minted salaku ganjaran pikeun kontribusi, sadayana opat kalungguhan dianggap panambang Pi. Urang nangtukeun "pertambangan" leuwih lega ti harti tradisional na equated mun executing bukti algoritma konsensus karya sakumaha dina Bitcoin atanapi Ethereum.
Anu mimiti, urang kedah negeskeun yén parangkat lunak Pi Node henteu acan dileupaskeun. Jadi bagian ieu ditawarkeun leuwih salaku desain arsitéktur sarta salaku pamundut solicit komentar ti komunitas teknis. Parangkat lunak ieu bakal pinuh open source sareng éta ogé bakal gumantung pisan kana stellar-core anu ogé mangrupikeun parangkat lunak open source, sayogi.Ieuh. Ieu ngandung harti yén saha waé di masarakat bakal tiasa maca, mairan sareng ngajukeun perbaikan éta. Di handap ieu aya Pi usul parobahan ka SCP pikeun ngaktipkeun pertambangan ku alat individu.
Pikeun readability, urang ngartikeun salaku anode disambungkeun benerjanten naon kertas SCP ngarujuk kananode gembleng. Ogé, pikeun readability, urang ngartikeun salakujaringan Pi utamajanten set sadaya titik gembleng dina jaringan Pi. Tugas utama unggal Node nyaéta pikeun dikonpigurasikeun pikeun nyambungkeun kana jaringan Pi utama. Sacara intuitif, titik anu teu nyambung ka jaringan utama sami sareng titik Bitcoin anu henteu nyambung ka jaringan bitcoin utama.
Dina istilah SCP, pikeun hiji node disambungkeun bener hartina titik ieu kudu milih "siksikan quorum" sahingga sakabéh quorums hasilna kaasup titik ieu motong jeung quorums jaringan nu aya. Leuwih tepat, hiji titik vn+1disambungkeun bener ka jaringan utama N tina n titik nu geus disambungkeun bener (v1, v2, …, vn) lamun hasil sistem N' tina n+1 titik (v1, v2, …, vn+1) mikaresep parapatan kuorum. Dina basa sejen, N' mikaresep simpang kuorum lamun aya dua kuorum na babagi titik hiji. - nyaéta, pikeun sakabéh korum U1jeung maneh2, U1∩U2≠ ∅.
Kontribusi utama Pi dina panyebaran konsensus Stellar anu tos aya nyaéta ngenalkeun konsép grafik amanah anu disayogikeun ku Kontributor Pi salaku inpormasi anu tiasa dianggo ku titik Pi nalika aranjeunna nyetél konfigurasi pikeun nyambung ka jaringan Pi utama. .
Nalika milih irisan kuorumna, Node ieu kedah merhatikeun grafik amanah anu disayogikeun ku Kontributor, kalebet bunderan kaamanan sorangan. Pikeun ngabantosan kaputusan ieu, kami badé nyayogikeun parangkat lunak analisis grafik bantu pikeun ngabantosan pangguna anu ngajalankeun Nodes pikeun nyandak kaputusan anu jéntré. Output poean software ieu bakal ngawengku:
- daptar rengking titik maréntahkeun ku jarak maranéhanana ti titik ayeuna dina grafik trust; daptar rengking titik dumasar apagerankanalisis titik dina grafik kapercayaan
- daptar simpul anu dilaporkeun ku komunitas salaku lepat dina cara naon waé daptar simpul énggal anu badé gabung kana jaringan
- daptar artikel panganyarna tina web dina keyword "misbehaving Pi titik" na konci patali séjén; representasi visual tina Nodes anu diwangun ku jaringan Pi anu sami sareng anu dipidangkeunStellarBeat Saha monitor[kode sumber]
- a quorum ngajajah[kode sumber]
- alat simulasi kawas hiji diStellarBeat Saha monitor that shows the expected resulting impacts to this nodes’ connectivity to the Pi network when the current node’s configuration changes.
An interesting research problem for future work is to develop algorithms that can take into consideration the trust graph and suggest each node an optimal configuration, or even set that configuration automatically. On the first deployment of the Pi Network, while users running Nodes can update their Node configuration at any time, they will be prompted to confirm their configurations daily and asked to update them if they see fit.
Mobile app users
When a Pioneer needs to confirm that a given transaction has been executed (e.g. that they have received Pi) they open the mobile app. At that point, the mobile app connects to one or more Nodes to inquire if the transaction has been recorded on the ledger and also to get the most recent block number and hash value of that block. If that Pioneer is also running a Node the mobile app connects to that Pioneer’s own node. If the Pioneer is not running a node, then the app connects to multiple nodes and to cross check this information. Pioneers will have the ability select which nodes they want their apps to connect to. But to make it simple for most users, the app should have a reasonable default set of nodes, e.g. a number of nodes closest to the user based on the trust graph, along with a random selection of nodes high in pagerank. We ask for your feedback on how the default set of nodes for mobile Pioneers should be selected.
Mining rewards
A beautiful property of the SCP algorithm is that it is more generic than a blockchain. It coordinates consensus across a distributed system of Nodes. This means that the same core algorithm is not only used every few seconds to record new transactions in new blocks, but also it can be used to periodically run more complex computations. For example, once a week, the stellar network is using it to compute inflation on the stellar network and allocate the newly minted tokens proportionally to all stellar coin holders (Stellar’s coin is called lumens). In a similar manner, the Pi network employs SCP once a day to compute the network-wide new Pi distribution across all Pi miners (pioneers, contributors, ambassadors, nodes) who actively participated in any given day. In other words, Pi mining rewards are computed only once daily and not on every block of the blockchain.
For comparison Bitcoin allocates mining rewards on every block and it give all of the reward to the miner who was lucky enough to be able to solve a computationally intensive randomized task. This reward in Bitcoin currently 12.5 Bitcoin (~$40K) is given to only one miner every 10 minutes. This makes it extremely unlikely for any given miner to ever get rewards. As a solution to that, bitcoin miners are getting organized in centralized mining pools, which all contribute processing power, increasing the likelihood of getting rewards, and eventually sharing proportionally those rewards. Mining pools are not only points of centralization, but also their operators get cuts reducing the amount going to individual miners. In Pi, there is no need for mining pools, since once a day everyone who contributed get a meritocratic distribution of new Pi.
Transaction fees
Similar to Bitcoin transactions, fees are optional in the Pi network. Each block has a certain limit of how many transactions can be included in it. When there is no backlog of transactions, transactions tend to be free. But if there are more transactions, nodes order them by fee, with highest-fee-transactions at the top and pick only the top transactions to be included in the produced blocks. This makes it an open market. Implementation: Fees are proportionally split among Nodes once a day. On every block, the fee of each transaction is transferred into a temporary wallet from where in the end of the day it is distributed to the active miners of the day. This wallet has an unknown private key. Transactions in and out of that wallet are forced by the protocol itself under the consensus of all nodes in the same way the consensus also mints new Pi every day.
Limitations and future work
SCP has been extensively tested for several years as part of the Stellar Network, which at the time of this writing is the ninth largest cryptocurrency in the world. This gives us a quite large degree of confidence in it. One ambition of the Pi project is to scale the number of nodes in the Pi network to be larger than the number of nodes in the Stellar network to allow more everyday users to participate in the core consensus algorithm. Increasing the number of nodes, will inevitably increase the number of network messages that must be exchanged between them. Even though these messages are much smaller than an image or a youtube video, and the Internet today can reliably transfer videos quickly, the number of messages necessary increases with the number of participating nodes, which can become bottleneck to the speed of reaching consensus. This will ultimately slow down the rate, at which new blocks and new transactions are recorded in the network. Thankfully, Stellar is currently much faster than Bitcoin. At the moment, Stellar is calibrated to produce a new block every 3 to 5 seconds, being able to support thousands of transactions per second. By comparison, Bitcoin produces a new block every 10 minutes. Moreover, due to Bitcoin’s lack in the safety guarantee, Bitcoin’s blockchain in rare occasions can be overwritten within the first hour. This means that a user of Bitcoin must wait about 1 hour before they can be sure that a transaction is considered final. SCP guarantees safety, which means after 3-5 seconds one is certain about a transaction. So even with the potential scalability bottleneck, Pi expects to achieve transaction finality faster than Bitcoin and possibly slower than Stellar, and process more transactions per second than Bitcoin and possibly fewer than Stellar.
While scalability of SCP is still an open research problem. There are multiple promising ways one could speed things up. One possible scalability solution is bloXroute. BloXroute proposes a blockchain distribution network (BDN) that utilizes a global network of servers optimized for network performance. While each BDN is centrally controlled by one organization, they offer a provably neutral message passing acceleration. I.e. BDNs can only serve all nodes fairly without discrimination as messages are encrypted. This means the BDN does not know where messages come from, where they go, or what is inside. This way Pi nodes can have two message passing routes: A fast one through BDN, which is expected to be reliable most of the time, and its original peer-to-peer message passing interface that is fully decentralized and reliable but is slower. The intuition of this idea is vaguely similar to caching: The cache is place where a computer can access data very quickly, speeding the average computation, but it is not guaranteed to always have every needed piece of information. When the cache misses, the computer is slowed down but nothing catastrophic happens. Another solution can be using secure acknowledgment of multicast messages in open Peer-to-Peer networks [Nicolosi and Mazieres 2004] to speed up message propagation among peers.
Modél Ékonomi Pi: Balancing Scarcity jeung Aksés
Pros and cons of 1st Generation Economic Models
One of Bitcoin’s most impressive innovations is its marriage of distributed systems with economic game theory.
Fixed Supply
Bitcoin’s economic model is simple. There will only ever be 21 million Bitcoin in existence. This number is set in code. With only 21M to circulate among 7.5B people around the world, there is not enough Bitcoin to go around. This scarcity is one of most important drivers of Bitcoin’s value.
Decreasing Block Reward
Bitcoin’ distribution scheme, pictured below, further enforces this sense of scarcity. The Bitcoin block mining reward halves every 210,000 blocks (approximately every ~4 years.) In its early days, the Bitcoin block reward was 50 coins. Now, the reward is 12.5, and will further decrease to 6.25 coins in May 2020. Bitcoin’s decreasing rate of distribution means that, even as awareness of the currency grows, there is less to actually mine.
Inverted Means Uneven
Bitcoin’s inverted distribution model (less people earning more in the beginning, and more people earn less today) is one of the primary contributors to its uneven distribution. With so much Bitcoin in the hands of a few early adopters, new miners are “burning” more energy for less bitcoin.
Hoarding Inhibits Use as a Medium of Exchange
Although Bitcoin was released as a “peer to peer electronic cash” system, the relative scarcity of Bitcoin has impeded Bitcoin’s goal of serving as a medium exchange. Bitcoin’s scarcity has led to its perception as a form of “digital gold” or a digital store of value. The result of this perception is that many Bitcoin holders are unwilling to spend Bitcoin on day-to-day expenses.
The Pi Economic Model
Pi, on the other hand, seeks to strike a balance between creating a sense of scarcity for Pi, while still ensuring that a large amount does not accumulate into a very small number of hands. We want to make sure our users earn more Pi as they make contributions to the network. Pi’s goal is to build an economic model that is sophisticated enough to achieve and balance these priorities while remaining intuitive enough for people to use.
Pi’s economic model design requirements:
- Basajan: Build an intuitive and transparent model
- Fair distribution: Give a critical mass of the world’s population access to Pi
- Scarcity: Create a sense of scarcity to sustain Pi’s price over time
- Meritocratic earning: Reward contributions to build and sustain the network
Pi – Token Supply
Token Emission Policy
- Total Max Supply = M + R + D
- M = total mining rewards
- R = total referral rewards
- D = total developer rewards
- M = ∫ f(P) dx where f is a logarithmically declining function
- P = Population number (e.g., 1st person to join, 2nd person to join, etc.)
- P = Population number (e.g., 1st person to join, 2nd person to join, etc.)
- R = r * M
- r = referral rate (50% total or 25% for both referrer and referee)
- r = referral rate (50% total or 25% for both referrer and referee)
- D = t * (M + R)
- t = developer reward rate (25%)
M – Mining Supply (Based on fixed mining supply minted per person)
In contrast to Bitcoin which created a fixed supply of coins for the entire global population, Pi creates a fixed supply of Pi for each person that joins the network up to the first 100 Million participants. In other words, for each person that joins the Pi Network, a fixed amount of Pi is pre-minted. This supply is then released over the lifetime of that member based on their level of engagement and contribution to network security. The supply is released using an exponentially decreasing function similar to Bitcoin’s over the member’s lifetime.
R – Referral Supply (Based on fixed referral reward minted per person and shared b/w referrer and referee)
In order for a currency to have value, it must be widely distributed. To incentivize this goal, the protocol also generates a fixed amount of Pi that serves as a referral bonus for both the referrer and the referee (or both parent and offspring 🙂 This shared pool can be mined by both parties over their lifetime – when both parties are actively mining. Both referrer and referee are able to draw upon this pool in order to avoid exploitative models where referrers are able to “prey” on their referees. The referral bonus serves as a network-level incentive to grow the Pi Network while also incentivizing engagement among members in actively securing the network.
D – Developer Reward Supply (Additional Pi minted to support ongoing development)
Pi will fund its ongoing development with a “Developer Reward” that is minted alongside each Pi coin that is minted for mining and referrals. Traditionally, cryptocurrency protocols have minted a fixed amount of supply that is immediately placed into treasury. Because Pi’s total supply is dependent on the number of members in the network, Pi progressively mints its developer reward as the network scales. The progressive minting of Pi’s developer reward is meant to align the incentives of Pi’s contributors with the overall health of the network.
f is a logarithmically decreasing function – early members earn more
While Pi seeks to avoid extreme concentrations of wealth, the network also seeks to reward earlier members and their contributions with a relatively larger share of Pi. When networks such as Pi are in their early days, they tend to provide a lower utility to participants. For example, imagine having the very first telephone in the world. It would be a great technological innovation but not extremely useful. However, as more people acquire telephones, each telephone holder gets more utility out of the network. In order to reward people that come to the network early, Pi’s individual mining reward and referral rewards decrease as a function of the number of people in the network. In other words, there is a certain amount of Pi that is reserved for each “slot” in the Pi Network.
Utility: Pooling and monetizing our time online
Today, everyone is sitting on a veritable treasure trove of untapped resources. Each of us spend hours day on our phones. While on our phones, each of our views, posts or clicks creates extraordinary profits for large corporations. At Pi, we believe that people have the right to capture value created from their resources.
We all know that we can do more together than we can alone. On today’s web, massive corporations like Google, Amazon, Facebook have immense leverage against individual consumers. As a result, they are able to capture the lionshare of value created by individual consumers on the web. Pi levels the playing field by allowing its members to pool their collective resources so they can get a share of the value that they create.
The graphic below is the Pi Stack, where we see particularly promising opportunities for helping our members capture value. Below, we go into each of these areas in more detail.
Introducing the Pi Stack – Unleashing underutilized resources
Pi Ledger And Shared Trust Graph – Scaling Trust Across The Web
One of the biggest challenges on the internet is knowing who to trust. Today, we rely on the rating systems of providers such as Amazon, eBay, Yelp, to know who we can transact with on the internet. Despite the fact that we, customers, do the hard work of rating and reviewing our peers, these internet intermediaries capture the lionshare of the value created this work.
Pi’s consensus algorithm, described above, creates a native trust layer that scales trust on the web without intermediaries. While the value of just one individual’s Security Circle is small, the aggregate of our individual security circles build a global “trust graph” that help people understand who on the Pi Network can be trusted. The Pi Network’s global trust graph will facilitate transactions between strangers that would not have otherwise been possible. Pi’s native currency, in turn, allows everyone who contributes to the security of the network to capture a share of the value they have helped create.
Pi’s Attention Marketplace – Bartering Unutilized Attention And Time
Pi allows its members to pool their collective attention to create an attention market much more valuable than any individual’s attention alone. The first application built on this layer will be a scarce social media channel currently hosted on the home screen of the application. You can think of the scarce social media channel as Instagram with one global post at a time. Pioneers can wager Pi to engage the attention of other members of the network, by sharing content (e.g., text, images, videos) or asking questions that seek to tap into the collective wisdom of the community. On the Pi Network, everyone has the opportunity to be an influencer or to tap into the wisdom of the crowd. To date, Pi’s Core Team has been using this channel to poll the community’s opinion on design choices for Pi (e.g. the community voted on the design and colors of the Pi logo.) We have received many valuable responses and feedback from the community on the project. One possible future direction is to open the attention market for any Pioneer to use Pi to post their content, while expanding the number of channels hosted on the Pi Network.
In addition to bartering attention with their peers, Pioneers may also opt into bartering with companies that are seeking their attention. The average American sees between 4,000 and 10,000 ads a day. Companies fight for our attention and pay tremendous amounts of money for it. But we, the customers, receive no value from these transactions. In Pi’s attention marketplace, companies seeking to reach Pioneers will have to compensate their audience in Pi. Pi’s advertising marketplace will be strictly opt-in only and will provide an opportunity for Pioneers to monetize one of their greatest untapped resources: their attention.
Pi’s Barter Marketplace – Build Your Personal Virtual Storefront
In addition to contributing trust and attention to the Pi Network, we expect Pioneers to be able to contribute their unique skills and services in the future. Pi’s mobile application will also serve as a Point of Sales where Pi’s members can offer their untapped goods and services via a “virtual storefront” to other members of the Pi Network. For example, a member offer up an underutilized room in their apartment for rent to other members on the Pi Network. In addition to real assets, members of the Pi Network will also be able to offer skills and services via their virtual storefronts. For example, a member of the Pi Network could offer their programming or design skills on the Pi marketplace. Overtime, the value of Pi will be supported by a growing basket of goods and services.
Pi’s Decentralized App Store – Lowering The Barrier Of Entry For Creators
The Pi Network’s shared currency, trust graph, and marketplace will be the soil for a broader ecosystem of decentralized applications. Today, anyone that wants to start an application needs to bootstrap its technical infrastructure and community from scratch. Pi’s decentralized applications store will allow Dapp developers to leverage Pi’s existing infrastructure as well as the shared resources of the community and users. Entrepreneurs and developers can propose new Dapps to the community with requests for access to the network’s shared resources. Pi will also build its Dapps with some degree of interoperability so that Dapps are able to reference data, assets, and processes in other decentralized applications.
Governance – Cryptocurrency for and by the people
Challenges w/ 1st Generation Governance models
Trust is the foundation of any successful monetary system. One of the most important factors engendering trust is governance, or the process by which changes are implemented to the protocol over time. Despite its importance, governance is often one of the most overlooked aspects of cryptoeconomic systems.
First generation networks such as Bitcoin largely avoided formal (or “on-chain”) governance mechanisms in favor of informal (or “off-chain”) mechanisms arising from a combination of role and incentive design. By most measures, Bitcoin’s governance mechanisms has been quite successful, allowing the protocol to grow dramatically in scale and value since its inception. However, there have also been some challenges. The economic concentration of Bitcoin has led to a concentration of political power. The result is that everyday people can get caught in the middle of destructive battles between massive holders of Bitcoin. One of the most recent examples of this challenge has been the ongoing battle between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. These civil wars can end in a fork where or where the blockchain. For token holders, hard forks are inflationary and can threaten the value of their holdings.
Pi’s Governance Model – a two-phase plan
In an article challenging the merits of on-chain governance, Vlad Zamfir, one of Ethereum’s core developers, argues that blockchain governance “is not an abstract design problem. It’s an applied social problem.” One of Vlad’s key points is that it is very difficult to design governance systems “a priori” or before observations of the particular challenges arising from a specific political system. One historical example is in the founding of the United States. The first experiment with democracy in the United States, the Articles of Confederation, failed after an eight-year experiment. The Founding Fathers of the United States were then able to draw upon the lessons of the Article of Confederation to craft the the Constitution – a much more successful experiment.
To build an enduring governance model, Pi will pursue a two-phase plan.
Provisional Governance Model (< 5M members)
Until the network hits a critical mass of 5M members, Pi will operate under a provisional governance model. This model will most closely resemble “off-chain” governance models currently employed by protocols like Bitcoin and Ethereum, with Pi’s Core Team playing an important role in guiding the development of the protocol. However,, Pi’s Core Team will still rely heavily on the input of the community. The Pi mobile application itself is where Pi’s core team has been soliciting community input and engaging with Pioneers. Pi embraces community critiques and suggestions, which is implemented by the open-for-comments features of Pi’s landing page, FAQs and white paper. Whenever people browse these materials on Pi’s websites, they can submit comment on a specific section right there to ask for questions and make suggestions. Offline Pioneer meetups that Pi’s core team have been organizing will also be an important channel for community input.
Additionally, Pi’s Core Team will develop more formal governance mechanics. One potential governance system is liquid democracy. In liquid democracy, every Pioneer will have the ability to either vote on an issue directly or to delegate their vote to another member of the network. Liquid democracy would allow for both broad and efficient membership from Pi’s community.
Pi’s “Constitutional Convention” (> 5M members)
Upon hitting 5M members, a provisional committee will be formed based on previous contributions to the Pi Network. This committee will be responsible for soliciting and proposing suggestions from and to the wider community. It will also organize a series of on- and offline conversations where Pi’s members will be able to weigh on Pi’s long-term constitution. Given Pi’s global user base, the Pi Network will conduct these conventions at multiple locations across the world to ensure accessibility. In addition to hosting in-person conventions, Pi will also use its mobile application as a platform for allowing Pi’s member to participate in the process remotely. Whether in-person or online, Pi’s community members will have the ability to participate in the crafting Pi’s long-term governance structure.
Roadmap / rencana deployment
Phase 1 – Design, Distribution, Trust Graph Bootstrap.
The Pi server is operating as a faucet emulating the behavior of the decentralized system as it will function once its live. During this phase improvements in the user experience and behavior are possible and relatively easy to make compared to the stable phase of the main net. All minting of coins to users will be migrated to the live net once it launches. In other words, the livenet will pre-mint in its genesis block all account holder balances generated during Phase 1, and continue operating just like the current system but fully decentralized. Pi is not listed on exchanges during this phase and it is impossible to “buy” Pi with any other currency.
Phase 2 – Testnet
Before we launch the main net, the Node software will be deployed on a test net. The test net will use the same exact trust graph as the main net but on a testing Pi coin. Pi core team will host several nodes on the test net, but will encourage more Pioneers to start their own nodes on the testnet. In fact, in order for any node to join the main net, they are advised to begin on the testnet. The test net will be run in parallel to the Pi emulator in phase one, and periodically, e.g. daily, the results from both systems will be compared to catch the gaps and misses of the test net, which will allow Pi developers to propose and implement fixes. After a thorough concurrent run of both systems, testnet will reach a state where its results consistently match the emulator’s. At that time when the community feels its ready, Pi will migrate to the next phase.
Phase 3 – Mainnet
When the community feels the software is ready for production, and it has been thoroughly tested on the testnet, the official mainnet of the Pi network will be launched. An important detail is that, in the transition into the mainnet, only accounts validated to belong to distinct real individuals will be honored. After this point, the faucet and Pi network emulator of Phase 1 will be shut down and the system will continue on its own forever. Future updates to the protocol will be contributed by the Pi developer community and Pi’s core team, and will be proposed by the committee. Their implementation and deployment will depend on nodes updating the mining software just like any other blockchains. No central authority will be controlling the currency and it will be fully decentralized. Balances of fake users or duplicate users will be discarded. This is the phase when Pi can be connected to exchanges and be exchanged for other currencies.
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